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  • Carlisle Township


OTA Scholarship

The OTA is excited to announce the 2023 OTA Scholarship Application is open submissions. This year, the OTA will be awarding five high school seniors $1,500 each for their future education. Since 2005, the scholarship has provided support to high school seniors residing in Ohio's townships and show excellence in their communities and schools.

In addition to the four scholarship opportunities the OTA has offered in the past, this year the OTA is excited to introduce a brand-new scholarship for a student who plans to attend a trade or vocational school in Ohio for their career.


-Must be a high school senior

-Have at least a "B" average (cumulative) or equivalent overall GPA;

-Be a U.S. citizen and a resident of a township in Ohio; and

-Must plan to attend a university, training program, or vocational school in Ohio.

The scholarship application period will run from September 1st - January 31st. Go to The Ohio Township Association Scholarship Program - Ohio Township Association to learn more and apply!

LCTA Scholarship

Lorain County Community College is proud to announce the availability of the Lorain County Township Assocation (LCTA) Scholarship. This award is intended to support Lorain County Community College/University Partnership students. Preference will be given to those who meet the following criteria:

  • Students in any field of study at Lorain County Community College or its University Partnership Schools may apply

  • Recipient must be a Lorain County Township Resident or live in one of the following villages to be eligible - Kipton, LaGrange, Rochester, South Amherst, Wellington or the area in Vermilion that is Brownhelm

  • Must have a 3.0 GPA or greater

University Partnership Students: In your Universal Application, you must include your most recent transcripts and proof of enrollment in the UP Institution for the semester of the scholarship. LCCC students' status can be accessed by LCCC's Financial Services; therefore, they are exempt of having to show proof of enrollment and transcripts.


All Disciplines

LCCC or University Partnership



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